Happy Thanksgiving. Our family had one of the funnest Thanksgivings that I ever remember having. We started the day off by running in the Dallas Annual Turkey Trot. With over 35,000 participants, the race is the biggest Turkey Trot in the nation. They have both a 3 mile and 8 mile jog. Jeff and I ran the 8 mile race while pushing Lexi in the jogging stroller. It was great to be surrounded by such a fun group of people. Plus, it feels good to burn some calories before consuming your weight in holiday food! After the race, we hosted a Thanksgiving potluck at our apartment with some of our friends. We cooked our first turkey this year which, thanks to about 50 calls to my dad, turned out
pretty well. The day came to a close with a little "Christmas Vacation" and perusing the holiday ads. What a wonderful day it was.
Getting ready to start the race. We had to let Lexi get the wiggles out before strapping her into the stroller for 1 and 1/2 hours.

Check out this crowd of people. It took us about 10 minutes to cross the starting line.

Our friends
Mauri and Rick pushed their two children in the race with us. It was fun to have some company.
The race was in the heart of downtown Dallas. It was a beautiful setting.
Jeff and me during the race. We took turns pushing Lexi.

Lexi was absolutely perfect during the race. She kept busy watching all of the people and eating her snacks.

Jeff was obviously the photographer
Mauri and me chatting while pushing the kiddos.