We took Lexi took the doctor this week for a torture session. She had her two month check up and had to get four shots. Yuck! I think it was harder on Jeff than it was on Lexi. She weighs 13 lbs 6 oz and is 24.5 inches long. Big girl! The doctor did notice that she seems to be favoring turning her head to the right and so we have to stretch her neck several times a day. It's amazing how offended I get when someone points out the flaws in my child. She's absolutely perfect to me! Other than that minor issue she seems to be doing great.
We also took her to the chiropractor this week for her first adjustment. It was crazy, as soon as the doctor was done adjusting her she stood on the table and did a back flip. Wow, chiropractors are amazing! No, just kidding, but it did actually seem to help her neck mobility.
We love you all and are excited to see many of you at the end of April at Jake's wedding.
We are excited to see you too! Brittany has the best smile! We are so happy that Lexi is happy and healthy... psh! What do doctors know anyway?!?! Babies who favor their lefts are more creative and successful! Mozart favored his left!!!
Brittany you look great!
Freak- I meant right!!! Favor their RIGHT!!!!
So, can Amy add me to her exclusive blog site, or what?? Pass it on...
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