May 20, 1973 ~ June 26, 2008

My dear sister Jerilyn passed away last Thursday, the 26th of June. She was a beautiful person inside and out and will be missed greatly. May we all strive to be more Christlike, just as she was. I know that would make her happy. Thank you for your prayers, phone calls, and emails, my family has really appreciated them.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Suzanne Richards
Brittany, I just wanted to pass on my condolences to you and your family. I have fond memories of your sister and can't begin to imagine what your family is going through. I love your family and will keep them in my prayers.
Aaron & Tasha
Jeff and Brittany,
I know that we don't know each other too well, however Scott and I just wanted to pass our condolences on to you and your family and hope that if there is ANYTHING we can do for you guys that you would let us know. Anything, I mean it. We will continue to keep you guys in our prayers, take care.
Scott and Amy Asay
We will be thinking of you and your family during this time. You are in our prayers.
Oh Brittany! We are SO sorry! We have been praying for you and want you to know we are here for you when you need some friends. What a hard time this must be for you and your family.
Much Love,
Rick and Mauri
My heart is with you. Thank you for your commitment to bring awareness. Only those who have struggled can truly understand, but the biggest problem is thinking we are all alone and not realizing how many people truly DO understand.
Hey Brittany,
I wanted to let you know that my family and I are thinking about you and sending our prayers your way. I too have very fond memories of Jerilyn, and of your whole family.
Sarah Sykes
I didn't know Jerilyn, but have heard of her through friends. She seemed like such a great person. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Brittany, I don't know if you remember me,but I've known you & Eric since you guys have been born. Jenn and Jerilyn and Porsche and me were all best friends. My mom even taught with your mom when she was pregnant with Eric and your Grandma used to take care of Jenn, Jerilyn and me afterschool (Mercury Mine). You'll never know, how much I loved your sis. I understood everything she has gone through. I have known her since I was 4yrs old. If there is anything I can do please email me: I love you and your in my prayers.
Love, Jackie
You have been and are in our thoughts and prayers and we can only imagine how difficult this must be. We love you!
Katie and Scott
Ditto B. May we all be more like Christ. Proud of you B. Aumt Julie
We love you guys. We are praying for you and your sweet family. Let me know when you are coming to AZ again, we would love to see you.
I am so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful woman. I love you very much, and I am always here for you.
We are so sorry for your loss. We know it is difficult, so if there is anything we can, we are always here for you. Our thoughts go out to you both and your family. You will be in our prayers. We love you guys!
The Shaffers
Brit- A day hasnt gone by that I haven't gone to bed thinking of Jerilyn and your family, and waking up with her on my mind. I was really happy to be able to go to the funeral and see ya'll. My heart aches for th e loss of Jerilyn. She will always have such a place in my life. I was very impressed with you and how you have grown up and become such an amazing person. Looks like you have chosen a great guy!!! Good for you! Love so much.
Hello Brittany!
I don't know if you will remember me, but I was an old roommate of Jerilyn's. Last Christmas I sent a Christmas card to her home and it was then that Jennifer contacted me and told me the news of her unforunate death. Jennifer told me she would call me at a later date and we would talk some more. It never happened and I do not know her married name. I was thinking of Jerilyn recently and felt guilty that I hadn't tried harder to stay in contact with Jen. When you get this, if you could please let Jen know that I am trying to reach her,I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Laura Rich 801-253-4655
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