We had an ultrasound today that confirmed we are having a boy. Everything looked great in the ultrasound and we'll be expecting his arrival in late February. When we told Lexi that she was going to have a little brother she replied, "No, I want a little sister!" Hopefully her attitude will change over the next few months or the baby may be met with some hostility when Lexi realizes he's not a girl.
Yippee for you guys, congratulations.
Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you!
YEA!!!! I'm so thrilled for y'all!
ahh,,,congratulations!! you will LOVE little boys!!! (of course i am bias....but they are so much fun!) so happy for y'all! how are you feeling??
how exciting. congrats! boys are great :)
Yay! Congratulations!
Congrats! Lucky you,you will have a little boy and a girl!!
BOYS RULE!!!!!!!!!
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