Happy mother's day to all you moms out there. What a wonderful day it has been. Jeff surprised me this morning with breakfast in bed, complimented by the beautiful roses he got me last night. I slept in until 10:00 and then enjoyed a relaxing morning while Jeff took care of Alexis. The Relief Society handed out candy bars to all the women in the ward at church and that was really nice, although I had to steal an extra one for Jeff. Then, this evening we went to a friends house and had a nice dinner and played some games. Thanks honey for making this day so great for me. And to my own mom, I love you more than I can express. Thanks for teaching me almost everything I know and for raising me in the gospel. And to Jeff's mom, thanks for giving me your son. He ROCKS!
Wow . . . You had better hope D'Lonna won't see this. She was excited all week for the Symphony bar after relief society- then came home empty handed (and mad) when they were all taken by the time she got to the table. This will put our friendship on the rocks if she found out Jeff ate hers!
Guy, I swear my husband makes me look like a tyrant. Never would I end the relationship with the Schramms over a Symphony bar (Now maybe a Snickers). (JK)
The Scramms rock the world!!!!
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