During Jeff's two week break from school we were lucky enough to travel to Boise and see his family. Joni, Josh, and their 4 kids drove up from Utah to spend the week with us, so we had the entire clan together in one city. It was so much fun. Lexi got to play with her cousins and I got some much-needed rest and relaxation. It was so nice that Grandma Schramm had a big backyard because the weather was beautiful and Lexi couldn't get enough of playing on the slide. At bedtime every night she was so exhausted that she would take a flying leap for her bed and be asleep in seconds. It was such a wonderful week filled with movies, desserts, hiking, jogging, trips to Baskin-Robbins, gun-shooting, and lot's of eating (I managed to bring back 5 extra pounds). Thanks to the Schramm family for the memories, but not for the extra weight.

Aunt Kris and Spencer.

Baby Jacob and me.

Lexi playing on the slide. Notice she's in her church clothes, Uggggghhhh.

We fed the ducks one day, but Lexi was more interested in feeding herself than the ducks.

Joni, Josh, Jeff, and I hiked to Stack Rock near Bogus Basin while Grandma and Courtney watched the kids.

Jeff and I went shooting one day. The shotgun nearly knocked me over. My shoulder was sore for days.

Looks like such a good trip! It is so weird to see snow and to see you guys in jackets. We have been in swimsuits for months now - so weird. I love the pic of Lexi on the slide. London is in love with slides lately too :)
I love your blog Brittany. It's fun to read. :) How is your transcription class going?
What the heck were you shooting? Why were you standing on the edge of that cliff, my feet hurt just looking at those pics! It is nice to get away with hubby time. Boy do we miss you guys. I wish I could take your aerobics class, I miss my workout partner, now I am just a fatty. But I hope you are doing great!
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