Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving this year we had our friends Amy, Jared, and Gavin over and ate ourselves into a coma. I made the turkey and it turned out pretty good. We also had the traditional mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, rolls, stuffing, and pecan pie. It was a great day.

On Friday morning, we packed up the car and headed to San Antonio to go to Sea World. Our passes from earlier in the year are still valid, so we figured we'd use them one more time before we move. Lexi was so excited to see Shamu, but I was definitely a little hesitant to haul my swollen body around a theme park. I was sure to pack a pillow and blanket in case I needed a rest. It was a quick 4 hour drive to San Antonio and then straight into Sea World to see the Sesame Street show and Shamu. We headed back to our hotel and tested out the swimming pool which was freezing. I managed to squeeze myself into a maternity swimsuit, but I'll spare you the photos. The next morning we checked out of the hotel and headed back to Sea World to visit the rest of the animals. Once Lexi had had enough, we loaded back into the car and headed for home. It was a great 2 days and Lexi had a lot of fun. It was also nice to spend some time with Jeff since he's been so busy lately. Enjoy the pictures.

The first thing we had to get in Sea World was cotton candy. I was having a serious craving.

We fed the lorikeets, but they were a little aggressive and bit my hand really hard. I was bleeding all over. My mom thinks they didn't like all the pregnancy hormones I'm emitting.
They loved Jeff so much that they pooped all over him.
Feeding the dolphins was definitely the highlight of the trip, although they kept trying to eat our camera because they thought it was a fish.
Lexi was all tuckered out by late afternoon, so we decided it was time to pack it up and head home.

Here is a video of Lexi watching the Shamu show. Every time he jumps out the water her face lights up. It is adorable.

Here is Lexi feeding the dolphins. It was definitely her favorite part of the day.

Lexi feeding the Lorikeets. She was a little hesitant at first but quickly got the hang of it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Butterfly Circus

If you've got 20 minutes and want a little inspiration, follow the link below and watch "The Butterfly Circus"

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I've collected pictures of Jeff, Lexi, and myself all at similar ages and am conducting a survey. I want to know who you think Lexi looks more like: Jeff or Me (try to look past the blonde hair and blue eyes which she obviously got from Jeff). You can be honest, but I must warn you that I'm sick of people telling me how much Lexi looks like her Dad. I mean he's handsome and all, but I carried her in my womb for 9 months and think I deserve a little genetic input. So, let's hear what you think.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Lexi in her Flamingo costume. She defintly got good use out of that thing. Thanks Lala!

Jeff and me in our costumes for the ward party. This is one of the few pictures you will see of me during my pregnancy so savor it.

Lexi and her friend Elliot, aka Elf. His costume was definitly our favorite. The most amazing part was that his parents made the entire thing!

Lexi giving a hug to her friend Thad.

The Star Wars clan, complete with a baby Chewbacha and working lightsabers.

Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, and Peter Pan. We definitly have some creative friends.

Lexi with all of her best buds.

Bobbing for doughnuts. Try explaining the concept that you can't use your hands to a group of toddlers.

Lexi and her friends ready for Trick-or-Treating.

She ran for about the first 45 minutes and then got a little tired, bored, and scared.

All tuckered out after lot's of trick-or-treating.

Riding home with the loot.

Halloween this year at the Schramm home was quite a production. I had Lexi in and out of her costume so many times that I was excited to pack it away yesterday. I feel like this was really her first true Halloween because she was able to grasp the concept of going to people's door and saying "Trick or Treat". The Halloween hoopla actually began earlier in the week when Lexi wore her flamingo costume to the Halloween party at her preschool. Our next event was our ward Harvest Carnival followed by a trunk-or-treat on the 30th. Jeff and I decided to dress up, and since I'm 6 months pregnant we thought we would incorparate my large belly into our costumes. Consequently, Jeff was the devil and I was a pregnant nun with a sign taped to my belly reading "The Devil Made Me Do It". Lexi loved playing with all of her friends and participating in the various games.

On Halloween day, the festivities started around 4 o'clock with a party at our friend's apartment. They had games for the kids and lot's of festive treats. The funniest was watching Lexi bob for doughnuts. She was actually pretty good at it. After the party, we met up with another group of friends for the official trick-or-treating. Since this was Lexi's first year we weren't quite sure what to expect, but she definitly caught on pretty quickly following the older kid's lead. She did great until we visited some scary homes at which point she decided that Daddy needed to carry her the rest of the way. From that point on, instead of saying "Trick-or-Treat" at the door, she would simply say "I'm scared". I guess she was going for sympathy candy. We also underestimated the distance Lexi would have to walk. She definitly got tuckered out pretty quick and had to ride in the wagon our friends pulled along. I think next year we'll use the stroller. All-in-all it was a fun Halloween filled with lot's of great memories.